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THE LAST OF US | 29 de julio a la venta en PS4

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¡Adicto a los JRpgs!

Los cambios en Ellie de The Last of Us y que Ellen Page salga en Beyond son "pura coincidencia"

Naughty Dog "no se dio cuenta" de que se parecía a la actriz...

Que Naughty Dog cambiara el aspecto del personaje de Ellie de The Last of Us tras recibir comentarios de que era muy parecida a la actriz Ellen Page y antes de confirmarse que aparecerá en el juego Beyond: Two Souls fueron "pura coincidencia", según ha declarado a Eurogamer el director del juego.

Ambos son títulos exclusivos de PlayStation 3 y que publica Sony - The Last of Us pertenece a Sony Computer Entertainment America, y Beyond a la división europea. Y ambos se pondrán a la venta el año que viene.

"Ni siquiera sabíamos lo que estaba pasando al respecto", nos ha dicho Bruce Straley durante el E3. "No sabemos lo que pasa en otros juegos".

Straley nos comenta que el hecho de que el anterior modelo de Ellie fuera muy parecido a la actriz canadiense Ellen Page fue una sorpresa para el estudio de Santa Monica - y no una precisamente agradable. "Oímos lo que la gente estaba diciendo - no nos dimos cuenta por nosotros mismos, porque simplemente intentamos crear el personaje que nos gustaba... Nos gusta que nuestros personajes se aguanten por sí mismos"

El director de The Last of Us nos ha comentado que el nuevo look de Ellie hace que se parezca un poco más a a Ashley Johnson, la actriz que la interpreta en el juego. "La hicimos un poco joven, y ahora creemos que se parece más a Ashley, algo que nos gusta. Y queremos respetar a Ashley por la gran actuación que ha hecho".

Exacto, ellos crearon a Ellie fijándose en el avatar de Shin, no sabían que la chica del avatar era Ellen Page. THE LAST OF US | 29 de julio a la venta en PS4 - Página 10 990838



JRS escribió:
Los cambios en Ellie de The Last of Us y que Ellen Page salga en Beyond son "pura coincidencia"

Naughty Dog "no se dio cuenta" de que se parecía a la actriz...

Que Naughty Dog cambiara el aspecto del personaje de Ellie de The Last of Us tras recibir comentarios de que era muy parecida a la actriz Ellen Page y antes de confirmarse que aparecerá en el juego Beyond: Two Souls fueron "pura coincidencia", según ha declarado a Eurogamer el director del juego.

Ambos son títulos exclusivos de PlayStation 3 y que publica Sony - The Last of Us pertenece a Sony Computer Entertainment America, y Beyond a la división europea. Y ambos se pondrán a la venta el año que viene.

"Ni siquiera sabíamos lo que estaba pasando al respecto", nos ha dicho Bruce Straley durante el E3. "No sabemos lo que pasa en otros juegos".

Straley nos comenta que el hecho de que el anterior modelo de Ellie fuera muy parecido a la actriz canadiense Ellen Page fue una sorpresa para el estudio de Santa Monica - y no una precisamente agradable. "Oímos lo que la gente estaba diciendo - no nos dimos cuenta por nosotros mismos, porque simplemente intentamos crear el personaje que nos gustaba... Nos gusta que nuestros personajes se aguanten por sí mismos"

El director de The Last of Us nos ha comentado que el nuevo look de Ellie hace que se parezca un poco más a a Ashley Johnson, la actriz que la interpreta en el juego. "La hicimos un poco joven, y ahora creemos que se parece más a Ashley, algo que nos gusta. Y queremos respetar a Ashley por la gran actuación que ha hecho".

Exacto, ellos crearon a Ellie fijándose en el avatar de Shin, no sabían que la chica del avatar era Ellen Page. THE LAST OF US | 29 de julio a la venta en PS4 - Página 10 990838

Pues no habia pensado en esa relación. Ahora todo cobra mucho más sentido THE LAST OF US | 29 de julio a la venta en PS4 - Página 10 990838


Amante de los JRPGs

más allá de su impactante apartado audiovisual, nos ha conquistado por su gran libertad de acción y la soberbia inteligencia artificial de los enemigos. Nunca sabes cómo reaccionarán, y eso, jugablemente, abre un sinfín de posibilidades de juego que nos han maravillado.

con la libertad de acción por bandera, lo nuevo de Naughty Dog se ha colocado como uno de los juegos más sorprendentes e impactantes del momento. Y es que actualmente, nos cuesta mucho recordar un solo videojuego que nos haya causado tal nivel de impacto como este.

Y la clave en esta fórmula de éxito radica, precisamente, en la libertad de acción.

l equipo de Naughty Dog nos demostró que también se puede afrontar la partida de una forma más sigilosa, apostando por caminos distintos, usando elementos muy concretos del inventario, o acabando con los enemigos de una manera menos escandalosa.

te das cuenta de lo bien que funciona todo gracias al brillante diseño de niveles, que permite que haya una gran variedad de rutas alternativas para que cada partida sea completamente distinta a la anterior. En este sentido, nos sorprendió mucho lo que puede cambiar el juego según vayamos por uno u otro lado, ya que habrá zonas en las que tendremos que demostrar nuestras habilidades acrobáticas en secciones plataformeras típicas de la serie Uncharted, y otras totalmente distintas en las que será posible resolver sencillos puzles que requerirán de la colaboración entre Joel y Elli.

lo que más nos gustó, es que a pesar de ser un título de acción, The Last of Us logra generar tales cotas de tensión que es imposible no inquietarse ante esos misteriosos ruidos que no sabes de dónde proceden, ante los gritos y amenazas de los enemigos, o al ver que te han herido y vas dejando tras de ti un reguero de sangre que cualquiera puede seguir. Y ya os garantizamos que lo harán, porque la inteligencia artificial de los enemigos raya a un nivel que solo podemos definir como muy humana

Si hablamos de los tiroteos, los enemigos se aprovecharán de los elementos del entorno para protegerse, a la par que que elaborarán sencillas estrategias de combate para cogernos desprevenidos por la retaguardia. Si descubren que no nos quedan balas, correrán a por nosotros con mayor decisión; y si ven que tienen todas las de perder, huirán y se esconderán esperando poder cogernos por sorpresa más adelante. Y esto es algo que nos dejó realmente boquiabiertos, porque el último superviviente enemigo se escondió igual que lo haríamos nosotros, cambiando de posición cuando escuchaba que nos acercábamos a él.

es ver a Joel forcejear con los rivales, y darse cuenta de que The Last of Us está muy por encima de cualquier otra cosa vista en el género.

El colmo fue ver cómo en el transcurso de un tiroteo, cuando toda nuestra atención estaba centrada en los enemigos que teníamos enfrente, un asaltante agarró del brazo a Joel y le estampó la cara contra una mesa con una brutalidad desmesurada, dejando al protagonista de la acción totalmente grogui. Tanto, que el enemigo le agarró por la espalda y lo puso de cara para que sus aliados pudieran tirotearle a placer. Una situación tan condenadamente loca e intensa que no podíamos creernos lo que estábamos viendo. Pero la cosa no terminó ahí.

Joel pudo zafarse de los brazos del enemigo tras un forcejeo, cambiando las tornas justo en el momento en el que los otros asaltantes abrieron fuego impactando en el cuerpo de su aliado. Algo que provocó la ira de estos, que entonces atacaron con una mayor virulencia. Sin embargo, el equipo de Naughty Dog aprovechó ese momento para ocultarse, tratando así de calmar algo las cosas. El resultado final fue, en cambio, totalmente devastador, viendo cómo Joel le destrozaba la cara a un rival con una barra de hierro que había recogido del suelo.

Naughty Dog prometen que se podrá completar la aventura sin matar a prácticamente ningún enemigo, o hacer lo contrario y acabar con todos

hasta los efectos de luces rayan a un nivel altísimo, como nos demostraron en el tramo final de esta demostración, en la que Joel caía en una zona anegada por el agua completamente a oscuras. Momento que aprovechó para usar su linterna, con la que se generaban sombras en tiempo real con un realismo espectacular.

los leves ruidos que delatarán nuestra posición o la de los enemigos -hasta la tos puede ser un problema-, e incluso de otros mucho más sutiles como la vibración de un cable de ascensor. Parece que Naughty Dog lo ha tenido todo en cuenta...
THE LAST OF US | 29 de julio a la venta en PS4 - Página 10 1053580179


Amante de los JRPGs

Actualizado el post oficial.


Amante de los JRPGs

La demo mostrada en el show de Jimmy Fallon.




El mismo puto gameplay (video) del E3. Que por cierto está en la store USA (no me he fijado en la EU) y se ve como dios.


Amante de los JRPGs

Han repetido el mismo gameplay, sí...

Vamos, que hasta otoño nos podemos ir olvidando de nuevo gameplay xD.


Amante de los JRPGs

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Todo lo que están mostrando gira en torno a la demo el E3. Al menos no hacen como el Uncharted 3 que luego al jugarlo tenías una sensación de Déjà vu constante por que lo habías visto todo el los trailers.


Amante de los JRPGs

Cachon escribió:Todo lo que están mostrando gira en torno a la demo el E3. Al menos no hacen como el Uncharted 3 que luego al jugarlo tenías una sensación de Déjà vu constante por que lo habías visto todo el los trailers.
Sí, incluso en el show de Fallon, han repetido la misma demo haciendo lo mismo.

Pero vamos, ya llegará invierno, ahí fijo que no se cortarán xD.


Dios del Nuevo Mundo

De todas formas, que compremos el juego con la mitad visto en los trailers, no es culpa de ellos, es culpa nuestra por ver los videos (me incluyo). Yo esta vez intentare no ver demasiado, que luego me pasa como con el U3, que salvo un par de cosas, lo demas ya estaba visto xDD


Amante de los JRPGs

Yo mejor no digo "voy a hacer esto" que luego no lo hago. Ya me pasa con todo.

Conforme me dé lo haré o no y pista xD.


Dios del Nuevo Mundo

Yo por eso dije "intentare", porque me conozco xDD Y mas con los juegos de ND.


Amante de los JRPGs

No habrá modo cooperativo para la historia. Habrá multijugador pero implantado de otra manera.

GE – Uncharted had tremendous success with the co-op portion in the online function in their game, will The Last of Us see that in the future?

ND – We are supporting multiplayer with The Last of Us. We’re not ready to talk about the details of how multiplayer will be implemented, however we can say that it is not co-op within the main campaign.

La entrevista completa a continuación... http://www.gamingexaminer.com/the-last-of-us-interview-with-creative-director-neil-druckmann-and-game-director-bruce-straley/16626/

It’s a rare occasion these days to find a game that isn’t a copycat or a sequel of a previous title. True, unique IPs are a phenomenon that seems to be diminishing, and truth be told, it’s simply a risky endeavor in today’s market. However, every now and then a game pops up that just makes people say “Wow”.

To say that The Last of Us has taken the gaming world by storm is somewhat of an understatement. Naughty Dog has recently had great success with the Uncharted franchise, using a blend of fantastic storytelling, big Hollywood-like set designs and a character focused narrative that delivers one of the best gaming experiences in recent memory. This approach seems to continue with The Last of Us.

Gaming Examiner sits down with Naughty Dog Creative Director, Neil Druckmann and Game Director, Bruce Straley to discuss the highly anticipated The Last of Us.

Gaming Examiner – The Last of Us is heading in a radically different direction than Uncharted. The comparisons between the two games must be getting old at this point, but what influenced your decision to move away from the Uncharted franchise and focus on a new IP?

Naughty Dog – From the beginning of this project we have been trying to do something different with it. It’s a darker look at the world, but with the depth of character and performance that Naughty Dog has been known for. While we were working on Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, we happened to watch the Planet Earth documentary series by the BBC and one segment in particular caught our attention. The segment was about the cordyceps fungus; a parasitic fungus that infects insects’ minds and basically controls their behavior in order to spread itself to other insects. Once a single insect is infected, the fungus can wipe out whole colonies. Another fascinating aspect of the infection is that different strains of the fungus infect only specific, individual species – so it is a highly targeted infection. This led us to the question: what would happen if this infection, this cordyceps fungus, attacked humans? This question formed the narrative foundation of The Last of Us and the project has been evolving and developing from there.

GE – There have been a number of games where you have a NPC that’s a major part of the gameplay and story; Ico and Amy come to mind. What are you doing with Ellie’s character to insure that her participation in your playthrough is dynamic enough to where she feels like an actual, functioning character? The E3 demo comes to mind, where Ellie distracts an enemy while you close in for the kill…

ND – Strong AI is an important focus for The Last of Us. Similar to how we’ve designed the enemy AI to feature dynamic, realistic opponents, we’ve also designed Ellie to be a very capable ally who provides vital mutual aid to Joel in overcoming obstacles. In and out of combat situations, Ellie will be a valuable resource throughout the game. She’ll not only throw bricks at assailants but she’ll also be critical for scavenging, solving puzzles and tipping the balance of power in their favor as Joel and Ellie struggle to survive the harsh realities of the post pandemic world.

GE – Despite the fact that The Last of Us is not related to Uncharted in any way, there must have been some influences; maybe in the UI, certain gameplay elements? Is that the case here, or are you trying to distance yourself from the Uncharted franchise as much as possible?

ND – As we mentioned when The Last of Us was announced, Naughty Dog is now a two team studio. Key learnings and aggregate knowledge and experience are shared openly among the teams. Our seating arrangement here isn’t based on project, but instead on departments. And we have a very open floor plan with few walls, and even fewer offices, this way those spontaneous conversations that mutate into brainstorms allow everyone around to participate – and we encourage it.

A more specific form of cross-project sharing we’ve created is our code database called ‘NDLib’. It’s the core code for some of our major and low-level systems that both games can use, and that people from either team can update. This allows us to not double up our work efforts, leaving more time for the project-specific tech needs. So our code database is something that’s also shared.

GE – With Uncharted, it became well known that the realism of the actors’ performances was due to them actually acting out a scene in a studio as opposed to simply reading lines into a mic. Is this method also used for The Last of Us? The performances that we have seen so far are astounding…

ND – Thank you for the compliment! We’ve worked very hard to maintain the depth of character and performance that Naughty Dog is known for in our games with The Last of Us. We’ve used similar performance capture techniques that include any improvements in technologies that have happened since we last took our actors onto the mocap stage. It’s our goal in The Last of Us that you, as the player, become so invested in the characters, the story, and the tension of our gameplay mechanics, that your own emotions mirror those expressed within the game by Joel and Ellie at any given moment. The amazing performances by Troy Baker as Joel and Ashley Johnson as Ellie also help establish that strong emotional rapport.

GE – Can you describe combat in The Last of Us? Will it be faster paced, or are should we be expecting something more along the lines of a survival horror, slower paced mechanic?

ND – As you saw with the E3 gameplay footage, combat will be brutal yet intimate. When Joel has been tackled and is being choked out by an opponent the camera will be tight and the fact that Ellie is sneaking up from behind with a knife to aid Joel will be hidden. We want to make sure the player feels the tension Joel and Ellie are experiencing. Making our human antagonists feel realistic and believable has been one of our greatest undertakings for this project. One way the player is going to feel that is through what we’ve termed the balance of power. That is when the enemies will change their behavior based on what weapon they see Joel holding, how many of them are left alive, and whether the player has managed to surprise them. Balance of power is key gameplay mechanic for the title.

GE – Ellie seems to represent an innocence that Joel has lost; by protecting Ellie, Joel is also protecting himself. Will player choice have an effect on their relationship throughout the game?

ND – The relationship between Joel and Ellie begins when Joel has been tasked by his dying friend to smuggle Ellie to another quarantine zone. It starts as a job he’s taken on. As we demonstrated in our behind closed doors demo at E3, aspects of Joel and Ellie’s relationship and their personalities can be revealed by interaction with various elements, such as an old movie poster, throughout the game world. You’ll find out more about Ellie and Joel’s journey as the story and their relationship evolves throughout the game. If you choose to fully explore the game world you’ll be able to dive more deeply into their stories and personality quirks.

GE – A classic theme in Naughty Dog titles is the “teacher” scenario, where one character is handing down what he/she knows to a new generation. We saw this with Sully and Drake and even Samos looking over Jak and Daxter, and now with Joel and Ellie. Why do you think this formula resonates so well with players today and was it a conscious choice to keep that motif in the game?

ND – Not sure we’ve consciously applied a formula or any specific approach to any of the motifs in The Last of Us but we have many influences. We were highly influenced from the section in Uncharted 2, where Drake teams up with a Sherpa who doesn’t speak the same language as Drake. Through a short period of gameplay time, we managed to build a bond between Drake and the Sherpa that resonated with us. We were intrigued by the idea of building a deep, complex bond between two characters over the course of an entire game. That thought process eventually led to coming up with Joel and Ellie.

GE – Uncharted had tremendous success with the co-op portion in the online function in their game, will The Last of Us see that in the future?

ND – We are supporting multiplayer with The Last of Us. We’re not ready to talk about the details of how multiplayer will be implemented, however we can say that it is not co-op within the main campaign.

GE – It was recently revealed that things in The Last of Us will subtly change depending on how you play it and the route you take through the game. Are we talking multiple endings?

ND – We have a defined narrative arc we want to tell with The Last of Us – there is only one ending to the story and the game. At the end of the day, we are creating a video game and we’ve made sure that there are plenty of choices for the player to make either in combat or exploring the environment. In fact, with supplies being so scarce, it’s important that you take the time to explore and scavenge for anything that may aid you in the future.

GE – Christophe Balestra once mentioned that he sees video games moving into the realm of respect that film gets. Is this why, in an ever increasing competitive multiplayer gaming world, Naughty Dog has focused so much on the single player story experience? Do you see the single player experience leading the charge into the next level of sophistication and respect from the general public?

ND – Above all, with The Last of Us, we’re interested in telling a very tight, well-constructed, narrative-driven gaming experience that (if we do our jobs right) successfully parallels the player’s feelings with our main protagonist. A great deal of depth and sophistication can be found in almost any kind of gameplay if enough hard work and thought is put into it. Often respect from the general public is relative to the quality of game that they play. The Last of Us will be a game that sets the quality bar for the survival action genre and features the depth of gameplay and narrative experience Naughty Dog is known for.

Thank you to Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley for their time! And as usual, keep your eyes plastered to Gaming Exmainer as more info on this amazing game drops!
Aunque el multi me la suda. Todos sabemos que es verídico que si dedican tiempo a esto, reducen cosas de la campaña, pero bueh...




Amor Hentai

Un multijugador que sea en un escenario abierto y que tu mision sea sobrevivir (buscar alimentos , armas , defenderte de los infectados de otro jugadores humanos) estaria muy bien pero no creo que pase. Esto solo hará que luego el juego traiga DLC de mapas y ese tipo de cosas que yo odio



Se presenta Bill, un nuevo personaje de The Last of Us

Naughty Dog ha presentado una nueva escena de The Last of Us durante la Comic-Con de San Diego, en la que se presenta un nuevo personaje secundario, Bill.

Los tres protagonistas huyen de un ataque de infectados y quedan refugiados en un lugar seguro. El encuentro es tenso pero acaban por colaborar, a pesar de las reticencias de Ellie.

El equipo desarrollador ha comentado durante la charla mantenida en la feria que pronto se ofrecerán más detalles de Bill en los próximos meses, confirmando que se trata de un personaje importante en la historia.


Dios del Nuevo Mundo


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THE LAST OF US | 29 de julio a la venta en PS4 - Página 10 IXcy9POU65iYd

Por cierto, el video es la ostia!!!!


Amante de los JRPGs

Está bastante bien el vídeo. Puta Ellie, más terrorista y conquista el planeta THE LAST OF US | 29 de julio a la venta en PS4 - Página 10 3392098222.


Dios del Nuevo Mundo

Otro EPIC gif:

THE LAST OF US | 29 de julio a la venta en PS4 - Página 10 A6vual


Amante de los JRPGs

El director de The Last of Us, el nuevo juego de los creadores de la saga Uncharted o Crash Bandicoot, ha hablado con GamesIndustry sobre las consecuencias que tendrán nuestras acciones a la hora de jugar a el último título de Naughty Dog.

"Estamos intentando enfatizar la realidad de la situación en la que Joel and Ellie están. Tus acciones tienen consecuencias", explicaba Bruce Straley, quien señalaba que un par de decisiones equivocadas nos podrían dejar en una situación para la que no estamos preparados.

Según el director, "si piensas ir por ahí tan contento y salir sin un rasguño, estás equivocado. ¿Cuánta munición has recogido en este escenario? ¿Te has podido preparar un cóctel molotov? ¿Te has preparado dos? ¿Tienes un botiquín? ¿Qué tienes? Y tienes el mismo espacio para guardar botiquines o para guardar molotovs, así que es una elección: ¿voy a ir a la defensiva o a atacar?"

"Nuestro sistema de inventario está 'vivo', es decir, el juego sigue en marcha mientras lo usas. No pausas el juego cuando abres el inventario", advertía Straley, "así que es igual que si tu hubieses quitado la mochila y te hubieses tirado al suelo a prearar algo mientras los enemigos se mueven por el entorno, y se acercan a ti si has establecido contacto con ellos".

"Queremos intentar que sientas que hay una consecuencia por cada acción", concluía el director de The Last of Us, título que llegará a PlayStation 3 en exclusiva el próximo año.
Y mañana a la venta la Hobby Consolas con este póster:

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¡Adicto a los JRpgs!

Merece la pena la revista solo por el poster, aunque ya podían poner dos independientes y no uno doble con Lollipop en la otra cara.


Amante de los JRPGs

Yo la compraré mañana si la veo, ya que aunque sean 3 €, pero bueh, el póster mola.



Estoy por comprarla dos veces.


Amante de los JRPGs

Segunda y jugosa parte de la entrevista de Bruce Straley, director de "The Last Of Us" a Siliconera.com (enlace)


Ellie irá aprendiendo habilidades a lo largo de la historia (empezará sin saber usar armas de fuego e irá cogiendo experiencia y confianza de Joel)
Ellie tendrá una mochila/inventario donde podremos almacenar los objetos que encontremos
La IA del juego es uno de los pilares del proyecto: como el tren y el edificio derrumbándose en U2 (sabían que querían eso antes de empezar el desarrollo)
Han "desmontado, destrozado, reelaborado y reformulado" el sistema de inteligencia artificial que usaban en Uncharted
Los enemigos reaccionaran de varias formas ante nuestro ataque: si llevamos algo que quieren se arriesgaran e irán a por nosotros. Si no, se dispersaran.
Habrá bombas de humo (uno de los artefactos favoritos de Straley)
Han implantado algo que denominan sigílo dinámico (si nos detectan pero los confundimos con una bomba de humo y nos volvemos a esconder, podremos volver a intentar acabar con ellos sigilosamente. Se pensarán que nos hemos ido)
Los objetos tendrán múltiples usos: el ladrillo que tiene Ellie en la demo del E3 puede servir para estampárselo a alguien o para lanzarlo enmedio de una sala y despistar
Habrá vehículos en el juego pero no controlables (en cutscenes)
Confirman que el recorrido del juego será de este a oeste
Habrá saltos en el tiempo durante la historia: veremos cambios de estación, "time skips" y "collapsed time" (ayudarme con la traducción)
Habrá momentos de caída de lagrimita entre Joel y Ellie

Versión original

THE LAST OF US | 29 de julio a la venta en PS4 - Página 10 Joellobby_thumb

In The Last of Us, players control Joel who has seen the world fall apart after a "fungapocalypse" while Ellie was born after modern civilization crumbled. Ellie is completely controlled by the computer, but The Last of Us won’t be one long escort mission. Ellie has been designed to react to situations and she will grow throughout the game. In this interview, Bruce Straley, Game Director, explains how Naughty Dog developed Ellie and the enemy artificial intelligence.

While players won’t be able to directly control Ellie, what kind of choices will the AI get? Will she develop over time and learn new abilities?

Bruce Straley, Game Director: It would be a really flat story if only one of the characters’ arcs and moves and characterization developed. Ellie needs to move somewhere, too. Even though she’s capable from the beginning and comes from a dark world, and has done some things that show she can exist on her own. She’s not used to the world and stuff Joel has to do to survive.

You’re going to see her working with Joel to learn more and more capabilities. Like, she starts not knowing how to use a gun, maybe. But maybe she can pick up the gun and Joel can show her how to use the gun, and she’s going to acquire more and more of these abilities as she goes [through the game]. She’ll gain more confidence with this as well.

Can you tell us how you developed the AI for Ellie? It seems like the AI is really competent for a partner character. With respect to gameplay, Ellie will develop as she grows as a “person” when Joel teaches her how to survive.

It’s interesting that those two things actually correlate. Just the same way Ellie is growing as a character, she’s becoming more and more trusting of Joel, [and] more capable. She’s gaining skills like the usage of guns, scavenging the environment to help Joel and find things. She has a backpack, so she can store items.

About the AI, in Uncharted 2, one of the things we started on from the beginning of the project [was that] we knew we wanted to have these really big set-piece moments, like the moving train and we wanted a building to collapse. So, we wanted these moments, and from the very start of the project, we started working on the technology to allow us to do that. Well, the same happens for The Last of Us with the AI.

From the start of the game, we knew, to personalize these characters; to make sure they feel human and are they are making intelligent decisions; [that] they’re not getting in the player’s way and it doesn’t feel like a babysitting mission, that was the first thing we took on. We’ve stripped down our AI, we’ve torn it apart and reworked and reworked and reworked. We’ll continue to rework it.

The last thing we got done in Uncharted 2 tech was probably that moving foreground object stuff. The local and global pairing of objects to allow us to do the moving train, etcetera. That’s the exact same thing that’s happening now. We’re pushing and pushing and pushing AI, and it’ll continue to evolve until the day we ship to make these characters real.

What about enemy AI? Are enemies going to be as reactive?

Again, we’re trying to make these feel like humans. So, this means the animations have to change. This means the behavior and decision making has to change. There’s a lot of attention to detail. If I pull out a gun and shoot it, how is this group of people [here] going to react? They would probably scatter. And then if they’re in survival mode, and they know I have stuff that they want, how many are going to group together and try to take me down?

It’s interesting to look at humanistic behavior. The scariest human is one backed into a corner. So, when I show my gun and when I start shooting, that’s going to cause a greatly different behavioral change [in enemies] than if I came out with a melee weapon. If there’s four guys vs. two guys, it’s very different than if there’s only one guy by himself.

We’ve thought about all of these different scenarios and we’re modeling in all the different, most practical behavioral choices that a human, in a fun gameplay way, would make. So, it’s still provocative. If there’s one guy and I have a gun, of course, he’s going to go hide. That makes sense for that guy. Now, whether he’s hiding to ambush me or hiding to get away from me, that might change as you go through the game, depending on the environment you’re in or the types of people that you’re around.

Can you tell us what your favorite unique weapon is? What’s a really unusual weapon or item?

Well, smoke bombs are pretty interesting. We have something in the AI called “dynamic stealth”. Even though the enemies have seen you and started combat, once I run away and hide and I’ve broken the line of sight, they’re gonna go searching for me. Then it turns back into, if you want to try sneaking around them, you can. This all happens dynamically. It doesn’t mean you have to keep fighting the whole time.

The smoke bomb is a great way to break this line of sight, and to go somewhere they don’t expect. The smoke bomb also creates a small concussive burst, so it allows you to rush them as well. Everything has multiple uses, so it’s not as much the uniqueness of the weapon as it is all the different ways you see the AI can react to them. That brick, that I could use to bash you in the face, or throw it, or throw it at the environment.

How much of the world will we get to see? How far will Joel and Ellie get to travel? We saw they were looking for a car in the video, so how much of America will they get to see as they travel West?

We don’t have a vehicle sequence—a driving sequence—per se, but we have vehicles that you can procure. Bill’s the scene that you saw here at Comic-Con. Bill knows where he can get stuff to get a truck back up and running. So that truck is going to be used by Joel and Ellie to get further faster than if they were just going by foot. So, yeah, there’ll be different vehicles—different means of transportation—that you’ll find throughout the journey.
The journey goes from the east coast to the west coast, so yeah, they’ll make it really far over the course of about a year.

We don’t need the vehicle to be drivable. We just need the vehicle to get the story purposes across. You’re going to be able to see multiple environments quicker through this game if you get a vehicle and it gives Joel and Ellie a great goal to find one.

Since The Last of Us goes through a year, will you have time skips in between?

Yeah, we’re going to have season changes and time skips and collapsed time, etc. To, in a cinematic way, feel like you’re compressing this journey into a palpable timeframe.

What’s your favorite point in the journey?

I probably can’t say it right now. It would be spoiling the game. To tell you the truth, the AI, the interactions with the enemies, and the choices that you have, whether I’ve crafted a Molotov or smoke bomb or some other inventory item, and used it, and seen how the enemies, the humans, react it—that’s special to me. And to see that these humans feel like they’re making intelligent choices, that’s great.

And of course, there’s moments with Joel and Ellie that literally kind of bring a tear to my eye that happen throughout the story. They’re beautiful moments that I can’t tell you anything about, but I’m really excited to reveal at some point.

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