IGN le ha cascado un 9. Se han corrido del gusto con el juego. Dios, para que estos le casquen tal nota a un juego como este, inFamous 2 debe de ser el orgasmo videojueguil definitivo.
Y recompensas para los que tengan trofeos del juego:
Have good or evil Trophies from Infamous: Start Infamous 2 at level 1 good karma or level 1 evil karma.
Infamous Trophy for 25 percent of the Blast Shards: Free energy core in Infamous 2.
Infamous Trophy for 50 percent of the Blast Shards: Two free energy cores.
Finished Infamous with any karma standing on any difficulty: 1,000 bonus XP for Infamous 2.
Specific Trophies for Specific Infamous decisions: Reflect side missions, Dead Drops and dialog variety in Infamous 2.