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Hilo - South Park RPG

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1Hilo - South Park RPG Empty Hilo - South Park RPG Sáb 3 Dic 2011 - 0:27


Pedante por pasta

Hilo - South Park RPG Southparkrpgbig
Plataforma: Xbox 360 PS3
Distribuidor: THQ
Género: Rol, Acción RPG (Humor)
Lanzamiento: 2013 (Por determinar)

Videojuego de rol basado en la serie South Park que cuenta con un guión a cargo de los propios responsables de la serie de animación, protagonizado por un chico completamente nuevo que tendrá que crear lazos de amistad con los peculiares habitantes mientras defiende el pueblo de variadas amenazas.

Fusilado de NeoGAF que a su vez lo ha sacado de GameInformer Hilo - South Park RPG 360182


-The first game Parker and Stone have directly participated in, writing the script and the dialogue.

-Parker has always preferred silent protagonists in RPG's, so the player’s character will be silent.

-The player’s character will be fully customizable.

-Your character has a smartphone that acts as the primary game menu and has a facebook-like app show your number of friends you have and your current standing with the various kid factions.

-There are five classes, which are wizard, paladin, adventurer, rogue, and a fifth unannounced class.

-Obsidian is using the Dungeon Siege III engine.

-Obsidian developed a dynamic lip-syncing tool to accommodate changes to the script.

-Parker and Stone gave Obsidian 15 years of assets used during the show and a detailed list of approved textures and colors.

-Critical hits, cash rewards, experience, and consumables are in the game.

-Parker hates unskippable cutscenes.

-The humor will be more focus on the games they have played in the past but Parker mentions that games have lampooned other games before so they don't want to do exactly that instead they are focusing more on RPG's on how big and bombastic they can get sometimes.


-The player will play as the new kid in town, the main theme of the game is fitting in and being accepted.



-Combat system is like Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi games.

-If player initiates combat they will attack first and vice versa.

-X button is for melee attacks, pressing it in well-timed succession will result in multiple hits.

-Timed inputs occur for defense as well for reduced damage.

-Obsidian doesn't want the player to have to sit and watch animations play out; they're incorporating dynamic camera angels at certain times, such as a Ro Sham Bo attack that stuns an enemy.


-Enemy encounters are visible on the map.

-Soda are health potions and Tweak's coffee is a haste item.

-There are melee and ranged weapons, as well as a lightning powered Okama Gameshpere that is a magic item.

-There is a Final Fantasy Materia like system in the game to augment weapons with various abilities like fire, poison, and electricity.

-There is a Summon System but they are not able to talk about it.


-There are collectibles to look for in the environments, some appear throughout the game while other are in specific areas.

-An example of a collectible is a Chinpokomon doll and a magazine, Chinpokomon dolls are not all the same model Obsidian are using various models that appeared in the episode.


-When Obsidian were first coming up with ideas they show Parker and Stone a quest where you go into a cave and fight a giant bat boss that Ike is riding on, Parker and Stone said that the quest wasn't Southpark, that it was a generic video-game. Parker and Stone then mention a quest to get Kung Pao Chicken from City Wok, to readjust Obsidian focus.

-When they start making the town hub Parker and Stone realized that they a true layout for the town, so they had fun figuring out where everything went.

-There will not be any platforming, they tried jumping early on but it didn't seem right.

-They talk about how they have had to scrap level because the perspective wasn't right because everything is hand illustrated and hand animated.

-They talk about the challenges of making a comedy driven game, Portal 2 is mention, they say if Portal 2 dialogue was on top of a shitty game it wouldn't be as good, so they want to make a game that is as good as the dialogue.

Concept Art (Massive Spoilers!!!!)


Interview with Trey Parker and Matt Stone

-Parker and Stone really enjoy rpgs and they do think that rpgs are the best fit for southpark.

-They were asked of how making a rpg story differs for an episode, they say that the learning curve was be bigger than anything they have done other then their Broadway musical.

-Visual and Visual style seen in episodes like “Good Times With Weapons”, or the live action hamsters in “Pandemic” will not be in the game they want to keep a simple 2D style.

-Parker has been a lifelong gamers, he really likes rpgs because he like the singleplayer nature of them so he doesn’t like or get MMO’s. His favorite game is Oblivion.

-Matt when he was young used to play the old Infocom game and Wizardry and likes open world games like Arkham City, Infamous, Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, and also hockey and soccer games. He mention that he is more of a button masher and remember Serious Sam because he likes to shoot shit and blow shit up but he is now more interested in games like Arkham City and he hasn’t play a RPG in year because he got tired of walking everywhere. His favorite game is FIFA and he mentions getting his ass kick online by kids with English Accents.

-Lastly they joke how this Southpark game will be a cross between Obilivion and FIFA were “you gotta go kill a bunch of monsters and shit but you can only use your feet.”

Resumen rápido de lo más destacable:

- Obsidian está usando el motor de Dungeon Siege III.

- Han creado un sistema de sincronización labial dinámico.

- Encarnamos a un niño nuevo que llega a South Park.

- Cinco clases a elegir: Mago, paladín, aventurero, pícaro, y otra no desvelada.

- Los enemigos se mueven por el mapa y podemos ganar la iniciativa golpeando primero.

- El sistema de combate es como en Paper Mario, con pulsaciones de botones en el momento justo para mejorar el ataque/defensa.

- Usas un Smartphone como sistema de menús.

- Se pueden enlazar efectos a las armas, de un modo parecido a como funcionaban las Materias de Final Fantasy 7.

Última edición por Vizard el Miér 7 Dic 2011 - 16:19, editado 1 vez

2Hilo - South Park RPG Empty Re: Hilo - South Park RPG Sáb 3 Dic 2011 - 0:31


Dios del Nuevo Mundo

Ostia puta, un RPG de South Park?? Esto no me lo esperaba xD

3Hilo - South Park RPG Empty Re: Hilo - South Park RPG Sáb 3 Dic 2011 - 0:32


Amante de los JRPGs

Pinta bien la info. A ver qué sale de aquí.

4Hilo - South Park RPG Empty Re: Hilo - South Park RPG Sáb 3 Dic 2011 - 10:38



Pongame 2 Hilo - South Park RPG 2342915936

5Hilo - South Park RPG Empty Re: Hilo - South Park RPG Sáb 3 Dic 2011 - 19:23



Si es como los Paper Mario, que a mí me pongan 3 Hilo - South Park RPG 85264

6Hilo - South Park RPG Empty Re: Hilo - South Park RPG Miér 7 Dic 2011 - 11:05



Obsidian: "El juego de South Park tiene que ser escandaloso y una locura"

El presidente de Obsidian, Feargus Urquhart, se ha mostrado muy claro a la hora de hablar de los contenidos polémicos que mostrará su prometedor juego de rol basado en la serie de animación South Park, destacando que este debe ser un juego “escandaloso, tiene que tener mucha locura, palabrotas, niños muriendo… tiene que haber cosas que sean realmente locas”, asegura.

Por otro lado, el máximo responsable del equipo tras los recientes Fallout: New Vegas y Dungeon Siege 3, también ha valorado muy positivamente el que fueran los creadores de la serie, Trey Parker y Matt Stone, quienes dieran el primer paso preguntando directamente por Obsidian.

“Fue interesante que fuéramos contactados directamente por ellos. Normalmente es la editora quien nos llama y dice ‘tenemos una licencia, queremos que hagáis un juego”, explica el directivo. “Pero esta vez, la petición venía del propietario de la licencia. Y es emocionante, porque es bueno trabajar con un producto así, pero trabajar con ellos significa además que nos dirán lo que quieren.”

Además, Urquhart ha destacado la gran afición al mundo de los videojuegos que muestran ambos creativos, con hasta 100 horas de juego acumulado en títulos como Oblivion.

7Hilo - South Park RPG Empty Re: Hilo - South Park RPG Miér 7 Dic 2011 - 12:30


Max 330 Mega Pro-Gear Spec
Max 330 Mega Pro-Gear Spec


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Gráficamente es la serie, así de claro xd.

Los datos, los scans y las declaraciones de Obsidian sobre el juego hacen que tenga muy buena pinta todo, aunque creo que será un juego dedicado a los verdaderos fans de South Park y no para todo el mundo xd.


8Hilo - South Park RPG Empty Re: Hilo - South Park RPG Lun 2 Ene 2012 - 10:52



Obsidian ha distribuido las primeras imágenes y una ilustración de South Park: The Game, adaptación de la popular e irreverente serie de dibujos animados a los videojuegos, en esta ocasión en un juego de rol.

El juego utiliza el motor de Dungeon Siege III pero con un estilo muy fiel a la serie. Seremos un niño recién llegado a South Park, y tendremos que hacer amigos y defender el pueblo de todo tipo de amenazas con las habilidades de una de las cinco clases confirmadas. El sistema de lucha será similar al de Paper Mario y Mario & Luigi,

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