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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Tonio Martinez
15 participantes

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451Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Dom 22 Ago 2010 - 16:38


Amor Hentai

Famitsu (F): It’s been over a year since you revealed FFXIV at E3 last year. How has that year treated you?

Producer Tanaka (PT): Wait, did we reveal it at E3 last year? (He laughs) We’ve been working on it so long we’ve kinda lost track of the time.
Director Komoto (DK): Time’s really flown, especially this last year. It’s hard to believe the E3 at which we revealed FFXIV was a year ago already.

F: So basically you haven’t had time to look back?
Sage Sundi (SS): Right now, not in the slightest. (He laughs)

F: I’m sure you’re busy cramming a lot of work into the last few weeks before release, but can you tell us when open beta starts?
DK: The plan is to start it at the beginning of September.

F: Yeah yeah, tell us what day!
PT: Would you let us off the hook if we told you “As soon as possible?” (He laughs)

Changes between phases two and three of the beta

F: What changed with the beginning of phase three of the beta?
DK: We added a few things, but a couple of big things that changed were the tempo of battle and the feel of the game. Also, for the players outside of Japan, the changes to the mouse controls were probably pretty big.

F: So mouse control was a pretty big deal to users overseas?
PT: I would say about 90% of the feedback we got about things people wanted to see in the game was related to the mouse.
DK: If you look at it globally, there was more feedback about that than anything else.
SS: Outside of Japan, many PC gamers use a mouse as the main controls for all games, from FPS’s to MMORPG’s.
PT: Gamepad and mouse controls are different at the most fundamental of levels. With a gamepad, you have to go through a layered structure command input for control, a mouse needs to be able to get things done with just a click. We have to set the game up to be able to handle both.

F: So there wasn’t much feedback from Japan about all that?
DK: Not really, but we got a lot of feedback about the user interface as a whole, so we’re working around the clock to fix that right now.

Don’t forget the other requests

F: Was there any other kind of feedback you received?
DK: There was a lot about guildleves, like allowing retries on failed guildleves or suiting them more for party play. We on the development team also believe we could do more to promote party play. We’re trying to figure out how to find that balance of enjoyable party play without taking away from the soloing experience.

F: So you’ll be adding content to that purpose?
DK: Right now our greatest priority is to increase the merits for party play. Though we still want guildleves to be a rewarding solo experience, we also want to add things that would make them rewarding to complete as a party.
SS: We got a lot of feedback about that, and all the feedback was consistent; players’ first concern was the user interface, then the merits of party play. Thanks to this, we know what everyone is focusing on.

From “Bun-bun” to “Shei-shei-ha! Shei-ha!”*

F: The battle system changed drastically from alpha to the first phase of beta. Do you think the battle system could change even more?
DK: We feel that the battle system has become pretty set. What we have left to adjust are the abilities, monsters, and guildleve balance. The biggest part is probably the balance of the growth system, so we’ll be looking at that a lot during the third beta phase.
PT: Speaking of which, in open beta, the placement of monsters and their aggro settings will change greatly, so you may have to change your battle strategies, too.

F: So the changes are going to be so big they’ll even affect strategizing?
PT: FFXI was the same way. The system and balances change and adapt like a living creature.
DK: You’ll also be able to start in any of the three starting capital cities. It’s not just about the three different stories; it is from this point that you’ll actually see the economy begin to work the way we imagined it, and we can’t wait for you to see it.

F: So in open beta, will you be able to go between cities?
DK: But of course.

Where’s the magic?

F: Right now there’s only two Discipline of Magic classes available. Will there be any more than these?
DK: We’d like players to enjoy these two classes for a while. The caster class system is still being tweaked. However, this doesn’t mean we’re going to wait for the release of an expansion to release the class; it’ll be out when the timing is right.

F: So you’re saying that there will be more Disciples of Magic?
DK: Yes. They might come in a patch, they might come in an expansion. We’re not sure yet.

F: What about pet classes, like FFXI’s beastmaster?
DK: There was a lot of feedback asking for those. We’d like to be able to provide that, but it might come in an expansion…

F: …or it might be in a patch. We get it (He laughs)
DK: If you put a pet class in right from release, balance is really difficult, so right now we’re not putting them in.

F: Do you have plans for any other new classes?
PT: We’ve got a few in mind, but we’re keeping them under wraps for now.

F: What kind of class will they be? Give us a hint!
PT: No! (He laughs evilly, clutching his pitchfork and stepping on the interviewer’s toes with the malice of a kindergartener. Ok, the Japanese just says he laughs, but WE know what happened, don’t we, folks? –Manly)

*The “Ideal FFXIV Battle Tempo” according to the Japanese. In a Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus video posted on Japanese video site Niconico Douga, (14th in a series of DoC vids, which probably drew in people looking for FFXIV videos) bun-bun is the sound Vincent’s slow-firing gun makes, and shei-shei-ha is what Vincent says during his melee attack. Months ago, a common post on Japanese boards was, “The current FFXIV battle tempo: Bun… bun… Ideal battle tempo: SHEI-HA! SHEI-SHEI-HA! SHEI-SHEI! HAA… SHEI!”

F: Tell why you decided to implement Fatigue and Latency (note: I really don't know how to translate that, but it's something in-game to keep you from playing too long at a time on one class).

DK: We'd like you to think of it as a reward to those players who don't have much time to commit to the game. Those hardcore players out there might think it's a little unfair, but the main concept behind it is that you don't need to put in massive amounts of time to enjoy the game.

F: Still though, there are a lot of disgruntled looks coming from those hardcore gamers.

DK: For those who have more time on their hands, they'll be able to try out all the various classes. Fatigue doesn't carry over when you change weapons, so we hope that they'll try out not just battle-oriented classes but maybe some crafting or gathering ones as well. So for those who end up with many high-level classes, they'll have more choices when it comes to any situation, whether solo or party play.

That Lovely Guildleve Delay

F: Will there be a change to the two-day cooldown on guildleves?

DK: There's been a lot of debate over this even among the development staff, so it may or may not. We decided on the current set-up to allow those who only have an hour a day to play to be able to progress only via guildleves, so balance does become an issue. We want to encourage people who've completed their leves to group up and help others, but currently there isn't enough benefit to forming leve parties.

F: Creating a gap in merit between solo and party play seems difficult to manage, though.

DK: Definitely. We want solo play to still be worthwhile, but we also want to add a bonus to those who decide to group up.

F: So soloing will be the basis of the game?

DK: Yes. More than a one-man army, it's more of a slow-and-steady kind of thing. In FFXI many things weren't possible solo, so we'd like to avoid that from developing this time around.


F: Right now you can't buy armor from vendors, it looks like.

DK: Another point of contention among the staff. We do plan to add some more armor for the beginning part of the game, but we really want to encourage the crafting community to establish itself.

PT: Crafters can't really take part in battle, so we want them to enjoy their role in the game fully.

F: So at a certain point, crafters will become necessary?

DK: Indeed. The depth of play for crafters will also expand. For now, I think providing repairs will be a big source of income for them, and they can even repair their own.

F: It sounds like that will play into their game experience, as well.

DK: It would be pretty easy to design a guildleve around it. A "go to this aetheryte and look for the guy who needs repairs done" kind of thing. Probably a guard at a specific aetheryte.


F: Aside from set phrases, will you be adding any other ways to communicate with players overseas?

DK: It's something we'll be watching as things progress. Regarding vocabulary not added yet, we'll be listening to the requests of the players. So it's something that can be expanded if needed.

Required Specs

F: The current specs needs to run the game are pretty high. Will they be lower for the official release?

DK: The specs had already been decided. But since then, we've seen the need to lower them a little to cater toward more casual gamers. However currently, there is no difference between the minimum specs for open beta and official release.

PT: Early on, beta wouldn't run properly on certain set-ups, but we've had a chance to smooth most of the wrinkles out.


F: Will we be able to choose our server once the game is out?

PT: Absolutely.
DK: However, if certain worlds become over-populated, we may add restrictions. As long as everything's normal, you can choose as you wish.


F: You mentioned it earlier, but can you tell us more about the status of the PS3 version?

PT: We had hoped for a simultaneous release, but there have been problems with linking to the hard disk, etc, and that has caused delays. That being said, even while we're talking here in Germany the staff is hard at work on it back home.

F: So will you be having a PS3 beta test?

PT: Of course. It'll be after the game has been released on PC, so testers will be playing the final version. Once we have a date decided, we'll let you all know.

F: With the start of the PS3 version, more players will be arriving in Eorzea. Will you be adding servers to compensate?

PT: It's a definite possibility.

*Well that about wraps it up. The game comes out soon, so stay tuned!

From Gamewatch

Here's some stuff I picked out that looked interesting:

-About 90% of non-Japanese players had requests concerning mouse control. Most Japanese players use a controller, but Americans, specifically, seem to be more mouse-oriented. They're looking into what can be done.

-There are no plans to increase the level cap in Open Beta.

-Guilds appear to be scattered among the three main cities. Though they're designing it so there won't be any gaps in leveling up to rank 20, it seems that certain cities may be more suitable for certain classes.

-It's not impossible to walk from city to city (though they are rather far apart), but geographically you'll need a boat to go to and from Limsa Lominsa. Distance between cities is similar to FFXI, and if you level up a bit it's not that difficult a journey. So if you're playing with friends, you don't necessarily have to start in the same city.

-Open Beta will have almost all the fundamental parts of the game, but it will only include a small portion of storyline quests.

[n]-There are plans for giving monthly subscription discounts if you purchase three or six months' worth at a time, however details are not yet available. [/n]

452Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Dom 22 Ago 2010 - 16:48


Amante de los JRPGs

Gracias. Muy extensa la entrevista.

Y lo más importante, lo de negrita, cuantos más meses te subscribas, más descuento. De puta madre.

Se nota que de cara al user occidental, quieren hacerlo a lo grande. Huelo que el juego va a ser un éxito. Se lo merece.

453Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Lun 23 Ago 2010 - 14:40


Amor Hentai

The current Beta Test Phase 3 (Beta 3) will end on August 25 at 5:00pm (PDT), and we plan to start the Open Beta Test in early September.
We look forward to your continued help and support.

*After Beta 3 ends, all character data will be deleted.
*For the period during which a beta test is not being conducted, players will not be able to access the Players’ Site.
*Once the test’s character data have been deleted, all blogs and images on the Players’ Site will also be deleted.

454Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Lun 23 Ago 2010 - 14:44


Amante de los JRPGs

Vamos, que van a hacer limpieza para la Beta abierta.

También queda claro que una vez que salga el juego, limpieza otra vez.

Me fijé que de FF XIV for PS3, no va a ser Beta en sí, sino la propia ver. final aunque nosotros testeándola. No creo que salga este año, sino más bien el año que viene.

Por cierto, espero que no se pasen con lo de la "fatiga", que aún sigo sin entenderlo, pero tener que cambiar de Job por sobre uso de tu main, me parece un poco cutre xD.

455Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 14:38


Amante de los JRPGs

¿Tanto daño está haciendo el Surplus?

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Surplusig

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456Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 14:47


Amor Hentai

We would like everyone to participate in our stress test by creating a character on the Shadowlord world.

Also, in order to make the stress test even more effective, all testers will only be able to create new characters on the Shadowlord world during the time listed below. If you currently have a character on another world, you will be able to continue testing on that world as normal. However, we would appreciate it if you could assist us by playing on the specified server.

[Date & Time]
From Aug. 24, 2010 at 9:30 to Aug. 25, 2010 at 01:30 (GMT)
* The end time is subject to change, depending on how long the inspection process will take.

petemos esos servidores, chavales

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 KCQk6

¿Tanto daño está haciendo el Surplus?

yo creo que el dibujo representa perfectamente lo que es el surplus XDD

457Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 15:17


Amante de los JRPGs

No entiendo muy bien el texto, pero quieren que testeemos el "Shadowlord world", ¿no?

A mí lo del Surplus me da un poco igual, pero la verdad, usar Craft no es que me apasione mucho xD.

De todas formas, no lo entiendo mucho... a ver, se quejan porque al usar demasiado los Jobs, tienes que cambiar a los Crafts. O sea, al usar demasiado los Jobs, te salta lo del Surplus para que cambies a los Crafts, ¿no? O al menos así lo entiendo yo.

Entonces, da igual el Job que uses, que pasado un tiempo te va a saltar el Surplus, ¿verdad? Ídem con los Crafts.

458Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 19:43


Amor Hentai

en la beta no es solo por craft, si tienes surplus en u job puedes usar otro job, aunque sea de pelea

459Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 19:56


Amante de los JRPGs

Ferry escribió:en la beta no es solo por craft, si tienes surplus en u job puedes usar otro job, aunque sea de pelea
Oh, entonces va por X Job, no pilla toda la Disciplina entera. Mejor xD. Entonces no veo problema.

460Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 21:16


Amor Hentai

He entrado un momento en la beta y habia un grupo de gente concentrandose para hacer fotos antes de que chapen los servers. No eramos muchos pero algo hemos hecho (estaba el Buttons Taru, el de las fotos esas tan wapas y tan mono xd).

Como no se alejar la camara casi que solo salgo yo pero bueno, a ver que fotos se curra el Buttons, que hace que salgan wapisimas xd

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Ffxivgame20100824210705
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Ffxivgame20100824210804

PD: La verdad es que mi Mithra es una monada, que pena que me la vayan a borrar Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 257841 xd

461Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 21:27


Amante de los JRPGs

Mientras que recuerdes cómo hacerla, puedes repetir xd. Me da pereza entrar un rato al juego, pero si aún te vas a conectar, me lo dices, entro y nos despedimos de la Beta con una buena foto xD. Estaré por la entrada de LL.

A todo esto, Ferry, sobre la Beta abierta, si yo ya tengo la Beta ahora descargada, cuando sea abierta ¿puedo iniciar tal cual? O sea, como antes. ¿Y si decido meter otra SE ID? Ya que estoy pensando en hacerme la mía para FF XIV en PS3.

Para alejar la cámara debes pulsar el botón * y el Supr, creo, o los que rondan por ahí.

462Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 21:35


Amor Hentai

ahora ovy a cenar, luego entró, ya te aviso y nos hacemos la final foto.

Yo supongo que para la beta abierta habrá que bajarse un nuevo cliente (+nuevos parches).
Al ser beta abierta, supongo que valdrá cualquier ID, aunque no se si tendras que registrarte tb en la pagina de FFXIV o que

PD: Mi mithra es una monada pero en el juego final seré Hume, mania que tengo. Pero si algun dia me hago una mula será como esta xd

463Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 21:37


Amante de los JRPGs

OK. Yo iré a ducharme. Cuando estés listo, avisa Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 682206.

464Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 21:49


Amor Hentai

ok, pos 10 y media donde siempre xd

otra foto, esta bien hecha , por uno que estava alli

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Jtnp02

465Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 21:51


Amante de los JRPGs

Pues nada, he iniciado e instalado todo. Ando por ahí, un poco más para arriba si eso (la zona en la que es una redonda para salir al campo).

A las 22:30 allí estaré Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 339319.

466Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 23:00


Amor Hentai

sesion de fotos de las top models de FFXIV

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y la mejor para el final

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Ffxivgame20100824225041

Última edición por Ferry el Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 23:03, editado 1 vez

467Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 23:02


Amante de los JRPGs

Dios, qué monas son las 2 y qué epics somos xD.

468Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 23:03


Amor Hentai

editado con mas que me habia dejado un par xd

menos mal que he podido pillar la del baile a tiempo xd

469Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mar 24 Ago 2010 - 23:05


Amante de los JRPGs

Sí, ha sido una gran despedida, la menos planeada, ha salido muy bien Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 682206.

Con FF XIV nos esperan horas y horas de capturas, sin duda xD.

Ferry, ponlas todas en Vandal también (aunque yo ya no me paso por ahora), para que se vean lo monas que son nuestras gatas >_<. A ver si luego me paso y las has puesto Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 339319.

470Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Miér 25 Ago 2010 - 0:58


Amante de los JRPGs

"los PC tienen una enorme memoria. En PS3 existe una restricción. Estamos ajustando el tamaño de la memoria y adaptándolo y está tomando más tiempo del esperado. Pero realmente estamos trabajando duro para traer el título lo antes posible".
Bueno, algo obvio, la culpa es de la RAM. No lo dudaba, lo demás cumple y de sobra las especificaciones, pero la RAM de PS3 es el fallo más gordo que tiene.

Espero que aparte de la RAM, hayan usado SPUs y la otra de soporte, así harán 3GB como mínimo (que es lo que saca ND de RAM normalmente, aunque SE no es ND, para qué negarlo xD).

Si hacen buen uso de las SPUs + RAM + CELL, quizás no se tengan que matar vivos. Aunque si se ha retrasado medio año, pues...

471Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Miér 25 Ago 2010 - 1:06

Tonio Martinez

Tonio Martinez
Soul King

EN la ultima imagen solo os falta una x dibujada en el brazo xD

472Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Miér 25 Ago 2010 - 1:16


Amante de los JRPGs

Tonio Martinez escribió:EN la ultima imagen solo os falta una x dibujada en el brazo xD
Grande, sin duda Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 891463268.

473Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Miér 25 Ago 2010 - 8:33


Amor Hentai

Tanaka habla sobre el tema de la fatiga en su twitter

"Foreign sites have lots of false rumors. They throw together words and fabricate remarks. Then Japanese sites take this and further [falsify it through] mistranslation. The fatigue point criticism has absolutely nothing to do with the actual [system] and is just full of wild ideas."

Dice que el sistema de fatiga no tiene nada que ver con lo que se esta diciendo por las webs. Que el rumor esta siendo creado por webs extranjeras con rumores falsos y las webs japonesas luego los cojen y los exageran aun mas.
El problema es que se queja pero aun asi no explica como va el tema del surplus xd

474Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Miér 25 Ago 2010 - 13:41


Amante de los JRPGs

Ya vi las fotos en Vandal, Ferry Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 339319.

Bueno, si se queja y no explica, ya tendrá tiempo de decirlo, si ve con seguridad el tío.

475Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Página 19 Empty Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Miér 25 Ago 2010 - 19:43


Tío raro

We’d like to thank all the beta testers out there for their hard work and support! We’re applying all those ideas you’ve sent us to make for the best possible Open Beta test and official release.

Now we’d like to take a moment to answer the many questions we’ve received about character balance in the current B3 phase.

First off, the main concept behind FFXIV is allowing those players with little time on their hands to play effectively, and game balance is based off of that. Furthermore, it is being designed to not give those with more time on their hands to play an unfair advantage. Because of that, systems such as Guardian’s Favor (a bonus to Guildleves) have been implemented to make leveling in the short-term easier than leveling in the long-term.

To achieve this balance, the amount of possible skill/experience points earned after a certain period of time has a threshold. Think of it as real-life “fatigue” from working at improving your skills via battle *(aka. No one could train ad nauseam in the real world with no ill effects).

Within the first eight hours of play, you can earn 100% experience. The seven hour period following will see your possible experience gradually approach zero.

This system is on a weekly timer. After a week has passed since you began skilling that particular weapon, the timer will reset. It will start anew when you skill up again.

Any experience earned past that point is saved as “surplus.” There is surplus for each class, and if you begin to see it please consider playing another class and adjust accordingly.

However, experience points are not specific to any class and therefore the decrease in experience points is not affected by changing classes.

That’s how the system stands as of right now.

Also, this system wasn’t implemented just in B3 but was set in motion from the very start of beta. Despite this, we have received many opinions regarding it in B3. There are a few reasons why:

-B3 allowed for longer sessions in single sittings.
-In order to promote party play, skill/experience points earned were greatly increased.
-The skill/experience earned from weak enemies was lowered, but had failed to pop up on initial bug reports (and was later fixed via maintenance).

According to the last bug report skill/experience able to be earned was above what had been planned, therefore people hit the limit much more quickly than hoped for. That is the biggest cause. Yet another problem was that we were unable to adjust guildleve experience and the experience-earned limit at the same time.

Our lack of explanation regarding all of this was a mistake, and we heartily apologize.

This all is still currently under development, and we have plans to make the limit more palatable in answer to all the tester feedback we received concerning this. In particular we would like to address the speed with which experience begins to drop off and are already looking into it.
Also, since experience points fatigue carries over despite changing weapons, we plan to make it not so harsh.

At the very least, we promise to not have people hitting these limits in a short period of time, such as during the start of B3.

We would also like to make an announcement regarding something else.

The decrease in earnings when gathering is based on your actions taken with that class and is unrelated to the aforementioned limits. This is also currently under review and is planned for adjustment in accordance with many testers’ opinions.

Surplus experience is currently not being used. However, we have received many comments suggesting some sort of reward be put into effect regarding it, and we think that’s a pretty interesting idea. We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, though, and we’re currently investigating the possibilities.

Open Beta will not just see changes to the issues stated above but will also see adjustments made to encourage party play even more (such as an increase to skill points), which the team is currently hard at work on adjusting. We hope you’ll all test it out when the time comes.

Finally, we would like to apologize for the lateness of any developer comments due to my attendance of Gamecom this past week. In my absence much fuss was raised over speculation, old information and some mistranslations on overseas fansites *(what?! /panic. Though I wonder what that’s in reference to in particular). I hope to avoid this from happening again by delivering developer comments as promptly as possible. Thank you all for your understanding.

And thanks in advance for your hard work to come in Open Beta!

Final Fantasy XIV director
Nobuaki Komoto

No me gusta NADA. Aparte que el rollo de todo dios sube todos los "jobs" no me gusta un pelo, para mi gusto es quitarle parte de la gracia al juego. Todo el mundo es todo y a la vez especialista en nada. Si estas cada 8 horas subiendo otro job nunca acabaras de especializarte en ninguno.

Ademas que lo bonito era que los jobs eran parte intrinseca de la "personalidad" del keko y su usuario. Ahora sera todo como mas "clonico" xD

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