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Disney pone ahora su mira sobre Hasbro

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Hace sólo unos días anunciábamos la compra de LucasFilms por parte de Disney, y ahora tenemos informaciones filtradas por el portal Examiner en las que se asegura que el siguiente objetivo del gigantes del entretenimiento es Hasbro.

Hasbro, actualmente, cuenta con los derechos para crear juguetes de La Guerra de las Galaxias, y también con marcas como Transformers o G.I. Joe entre muchos otros. El trato incluirá a Wizards of the Coast, que cuenta con los derechos sobre Dungeons & Dragons y un Magic: The Gathering que podría acabar convertido en película con motivo del acuerdo.


Max 330 Mega Pro-Gear Spec
Max 330 Mega Pro-Gear Spec

"Magic: The Gathering" and Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro since 1999, might find themselves under new ownership by Disney in the middle of next year. After purchasing Lucasfilm last week for almost $4 billion, a rumor has surfaced today that Disney might also acquire Hasbro.

Hasbro currently holds the rights to create licensed "Star Wars" toys, and Disney's acquisition of the Pawtucket, Rhode Island based game and toy company would allow them to directly control their "Star Wars" merchandise profits.

Hasbro is the owner of several notable properties such as "G.I. Joe.," "G.I. Joe.," "My Little Pony," and many others. Wizards of the Coast holds "Dungeons and Dragons," "Magic: The Gathering," and "Kaijudo."

"Kaijudo" and other animated series might move from The Hub to the Disney Channel if this rumor is true.

We might also see a "Magic: The Gathering" cartoon or movie emerge produced by Disney.

If Disney does decide to create a "Magic: The Gathering" cartoon or movie they'd be able to then produce a line of toys, which would most likely feature promotional "Magic: The Gathering" card inserts to cross market fans of the series or movie into playing the card game.

Disney's acquisition of Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast would mean bad news for IDW, which currently creates "Magic: The Gathering" comics in addition to comics for other Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast intellectual properties.

At the very least, we might see a "Magic: The Gathering" theme park at Disney World where players can meet Jace, the Architect and Vraska the Unseen. Rides could include "Multiverse Racing" go-carts and guests could stay at the luxurious Ivory Tower.

OMFG, Disney lo absorbe todo Disney pone ahora su mira sobre Hasbro 54346

Pixar, Marvel, Lucas y ahora Hasbro, que incluye jugosas licencias.



Burning Cock

santo Dios, Disney va camino del monopolio.


"Soy capaz y gilipollas"

Disney que pille Mattel, a ver si vemos una película buena de He-Man.

Con Orko. Que Gwildor merece la más horrenda de las muertes. En plan ver un maratón de películas de Garci, Jaime Rosales e Isabel Coixet.


Amante de los JRPGs

Disney camino a convertirse en la primera potencia mundial del ocio Disney pone ahora su mira sobre Hasbro 3392098222. Como se le ponga a tiro, conquistan el mundo y el tío se levantará de la tumba para celeberarlo (bailando, por cierto).

Contenido patrocinado

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